Xiaolang Li's Rashinban Board

I got a chance to play with the new Universal laser printers at TechShop. My next Cosplay is going to be Xiaolang Li from Cardcaptor Sakura, so I wanted to make his Rashinban board.
The plan is to have the board actually be two layers of wood. This video is from the top layer. The (raster) etching has been done by this point and it's on to the vector etching and cutting. The idea is many of the accents pieces are cut out from this top layer which will give some depth and show the board underneath.
I found a pretty decent image of the board online and painstakingly drew all the design I wanted over it in Illustrator. There's a figure of Xiaolang where he's standing on the board that had a lot of the 3-dimensional depth that I wanted to try to recreate.
April 28, 2016, None

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