Fun Stuff

Markov Text

Cranberries Lyrics Generator

Now you too can make songs that sound just like they were authored by Delores O'Riordan!  The song on the right is an original masterpiece.

Did it just come out all wrong? Just reload to get another song.

How in the world does this help me channel my inner Cranberries so well? Through Markov chains!

The Python source code for this is available on GitHub.

Randomly Generated Lyrics

The web we weave is thick and sordid, Fine by me.
Inject your soul with liberty, It's free, it's free.
Hold onto my hands, I feel I'm sinking, sinking without you.
(-ogize, -ogize).

But you're so selfish, You don't see what you're doing to me, So be whatever you need to argue anymore.
Lennon. He said I just shot John Lennon.
Just came out all wrong.
Take whatever you needed to, And leave it all a waste of time.

Or that she filled my days with misery, Or that she would of late have taught To ignorant men most violent Ways or hurled the little streets upon the great.
Zombie, zombie, zombie, Hey, hey, hey, oh, oh, oh, hey, oh, dou, dou, dou...
And if you want to be, And go wherever you need to go.
-ogize). You just go on laughing and telling everyone lies.

Don't do it, don't do it.
I spent last winter in New York, And came upon a man.
To be so insolent to me.
I was wrong.